• Opinion, accord, désaccord

    Exprimer son opinion

    to my mind / in my opinion (à mon avis)

    it seems to me that (il me semble que)

    I feel/believe that (je pense/crois que)

    as I see it (selon moi)

    I am convinced that (je suis convaincu que)

    there's no doubt that... (ça ne fait aucun doute que...)

    I can't help thinking that... (je ne peux pas m'empêcher de penser que...)

    for my part... / personally / as far as I am concerned / as to me (en ce qui me concerne)

    I find it (extremely/totally) abnormal/strange/amazing/surprising that + sujet (+ should) + vb


    I am in favour of / I approve of (je suis pour...)

    I disapprove of / I am against (je suis contre...)


    Être d'accord (= agree)

    Être en désaccord (= disagree)

    I totally agree with...

    Exactly ! / Sure ! (Exactement !)

    That's a very good point. (C'est un t.bon argumt)

    Yes, I suppose so. (Oui, j'imagine)

    I've got mixed feelings about that. (Je ne suis pas sûr)

    I (strongly/totally) disagree with...

    I really can't agree. (Je ne suis vmt pas d'accord)

    You can't be serious ! (T'es pas sérieux ?!)

    You must be kidding/joking ! (Tu plaisantes ?!)

    Nonsense ! (N'importe quoi!)