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    Hey it's Kristen and this is fast fashion in five minutes or less. Fast fashion is used to describe cheap trendy clothing that are very quickly coming in and out of style. Many fast fashion retailers introduce new products multiple times in a week in order to stay on trend. Just go into your closet and check the labels on your clothing. Chances are most of them are from fast fashion brands. So how did fast fashion manage1 to take over our closets and become so successful ? It's said that fast fashion is a response to a huge2 market of consumers that are demanding high fashion at a low cost but the truth is that fast fashion retailers are actually creating that demand because selling a sh*tton of3 clothes is really profitable. But how exactly do they maximize their profit ? Well, instead of replenishing their stock, they replace the items that sell out with new items of a different style, making our older clothes outdated and unfashionable and also making us constantly wanna4 keep shopping for new trendier clothes. Because fast fashion brands are constantly hunting for new trends, many times they steal and copy ideas from independent artists. They use advertising to stay relevant5 and further promote their constant changing trends. But the worst part is that they use cheap labour6 that is often sourced from sweatshops which are factories where workers are employed at inhumanly low wages for long hours and under poor working conditions. Fast fashion also comes at a huge environmental cost. Fast fashion takes ''fashion victim'' to a whole new level7. And if you are a fashion victim, stop it, get some help. To get started, watch my video about how to quit fast fashion right here and also check out my playlist that uncovers8 the darkest secrets of the fashion industry.



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